Sunday, May 30, 2010

South of the boarder

Charles expanded his international menu today..Chicken and steak Fajitas. After a relaxing morning snorkeling at Barton Springs we went home for an early dinner. The temperature outside was getting HOT(96 degree by 1PM). I suggested that Charles just go to the HEB and buy the ready made HEB seasoned fajitas meat in a package.

When Charles returned from his daily trip to HEB he told me that he decided to buy the spices and spice the chicken and steak himself. He said that the packaged stuff looked kind of unappetizing.

The grill was ready and the meats seasoned. Together we prepared all the sides to go on the fajitas. There were chopped onions, lite sour cream, salsa, guacamole, and sharp cheese.The black beans were flavored with onion.The green peppers and onions were grilled along with the meats.

Again, the dinner was yummy and not too spicy. After all was finished Charles decided that doing all the "fixing" was a lot of trouble. I told him that I was sure his seasoned meats were much better than the HEB packaged meats. At least we knew what the ingredients were and they did not have perservatives.

Unfortunately the liquor store was no margaritas.:-( instead.

Desert was sugar free ice cream with a little mixed fruit on top....Ole!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Swedish chief visits Lost Creek

One of the funny characters on the Muppet Show was the Swedish Chief. When he would cook on the show he tossed food around and made a mess in the kitchen. The dinner Charles prepared was delicious, but the kitchen looked like the Swedish chief had stopped by to cook the meal.
After a relaxing afternoon sunning and swimming at Barton Springs we both headed home at different times. Charles stopped by the local HEB to find some crab. He had looked up sauted crab meat on google and wanted to try to make the dish with Halibut fish. I lingered at the springs until the thunder started. Everyone had to get out of the water and so I decided to head for home before the masses jammed the roads. The menu was planned and the Swedish chief made his appearance...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pig Out

Charles prepared tonights fare and it was not the healthiest dinner. It sure was good. We had delicious baby back ribs grilled and slathered in honey mesquite sauce. It was so good that neither one of us had room for the side of black beans seasoned with cinnamon and chili powder. The homemade slaw balanced out the grease from the ribs...mmmmmm finger licking good.

Every once in awhile it is okay to take a break from healthy eating. Charles decided that next time we indulge in a"pigging out" dinner he would make sure the ribs were just a touch crispier off the grill, Poor Sar-Bear was drooling, but no ribs for her!

Grilled baby back ribs full of meat
Fresh home made cabbage slaw
Black beans flavored with cinnamon and chili powder.
Too full for desert.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tandoori Chicken

One of the birthday gifts that Charles received were some Indian spice mixes. He decided that he would try making the Indian dish that he really likes to eat.,Tandoori chicken.
We spent the afternoon swimming at Barton Springs while the chicken soaked in the mixture of spices and yogurt and lemon juice.. On the way home Charles had to stop to buy additional chicken because he didn't think he had enough to make the dish. A good portion of the mixture ended up in some bowls and on the counter. Actually he had whipped up so much marinade that he did need more chicken.

The chicken was cooked on the bar-b-que grill for 20 minutes and then finished in the oven. Fortunately Charles only used half of the spices that were called for in the was spicy! This was his first try at Indian cooking,and it was pretty tasty. along with the chicken he served spinach and cheese and white rice. The menu for the Indian dinner:

Tandoori chicken breasts and onions
spinach creamed with cheese
white rice
mixed salad
fruit salad for desert/or ice cream.
beer or soda pop to drink

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's day was a complete day of relaxing and chilling out. The weekend had been very stressful because on Friday Sa-Bear woke up extremely sick with a high fever. The entire day on Friday was spent being upset and waiting to hear from the vet. When Mother'Day ,Sunday, arrived Sar-Bear had improved to about 95% health. Sari's health improving and having Emily, Sasha and Ranger drive up from San Antonio made the day especially nice.

Charles and I took a nice walk around the neighborhood before Emily and Sasha and Ranger arrived. Charles decided that instead of going out to eat he would cook a special dinner. It had been a long time since he had grilled shishka bob and veggies. His special marinade for the steak made the bobs tastey.

Ranger and Sar-Bear were happy to see each other again, and both got their whipped cream treats and treats at dinner. Sar felt well enough to beg for brocolli, Ranger got a small piece of steak.

After dinner there was a lively discussion on time and relativity..all of which was beyond my grey matter...

Thank you (all ) for a lovely Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Conjunto and Lamb chops

The yearly Squeezebox Conjunto competition/festival took place at the Bullock Museum today. Charles volunteered walking around and I enjoyed sitting and listening to the young talented competitors and performers. It was amazing to watch the youth that were under 19 play a variety of styles of music including, Conjunto, and Zydeco. The Grammy winners Texmanics also played several hits.

About half way though listening and dancing to the music I asked Charles what we were going to do for dinner. He had already planned out the menu in advance and had defrosted Lamb chops. Growing up I had never had lamb chop prepared by my mother. Lamb was associated with World War II. My father and mother had to eat Mutton when beef was not easily affordable. When I would ask for Lamb they both told me they hated the smell of Lamb/Mutton cooking.Charles' mother prepared Lamb chops along with beef. Now I love Lamb and look forward to the dinner and the mint jelly.

After the festival was over we went home and Charles lite the bar-b-que.

Menu for dinner:

Bar-b-que Lamb chops

Mint jelly

Mixed wild rice

Baked asparagrus

Lemon jello with fruit cockltail